Weather the Weather
Theatre Columbus Presents
Weather the Weather
Or how we make it home together
Written by
Hayley McGee
- Ensemble Kawa Ada
- Ensemble Lisa Karen Cox
- EnsembleColin A. Doyle
- EnsembleAmy Lee
- Ensemble Courtenay Stevens
- Musician Jill Richards
- Musician Tom Richards
- Musician Anders Azzopardi
- Director Jennifer Brewin
- Playwright Haley McGee
- Set and Costume Designer Catherine Hahn
- Lighting Designer Glenn Davidson
- ComposerJohn Millard
- Props DesignerEric Double
- Stage ManagerSandy Plunkett
- Assistant Stage ManagerKrista MacIsaac
- Associate Designer Lindsay Code
- Assistant Director Amanda Nicholls
- Production Manager Kaitlin Hickey
- Technical Director Katherine Smith
- Producer Julia Nish-Lapidus
- Running Crew Matt Armour & Nick Davidson
- Apprentice Running CrewFrances Bundy & Amanda Nicholls
- PublicityRebecca Shoalts
- House ManagersEric Double & Lindy Zucker
Inspired by winter, the Canadian Shield and our indomitable compulsion to get home for the holidays, this is a tale about the making of the Canadian character.
WEATHER THE WEATHER or how we make it home together is an hour-long original play that takes place outdoors throughout the historic Evergreen Brick Works. The story finds brother and sister, Diwrnod & Daga, after getting caught up in a huge storm that uproots them and sends them off to a frozen land. They separate and on their personal journeys encounter a magical prince, a protective gnome and an angry, power-hungry troll. Hayley McGee plucks familiar characters from northern folklore, lets them loose in the Don Valley Brick Works, adds a global storm and dares them to find their way home.
Reviews and Awards
2014 Dora Award ~ Independent Theatre
- Nomination Outstanding Costume Design – Catherine Hahn
- Nomination Outstanding Sound Design/Composition – John Millard
“The use of light in the costumes particularly sticks out. Diwrnod was recently struck by lightning and consequently has a glowing toque, jacket and gloves. Igora has a giant glowing Viking helmet, which I have to admit was my favourite prop in the play. In addition, as you walk through the Brick Works grounds you come across whimsical lampshades, glowing tents spewing lighted balls, a city in miniature… it all made for a magical experience.”
– Heather Bellingham, Mooney on Theatre
“This uniquely Canadian story of homecoming and magic is served cold and garnished with exaggerated, amusing performances across the board”
– Justis Danto-Clancy , My Entertainment World
“Jennifer Brewin has directed this with dazzling imagination, gentle wit and humour.”
– Lynn Slotkin, The Slotkit Letter
Common Boots would like to thank the following for their support
Shawn Abrahim, Laura Baxter, John Beebe, Janis Benson, Kim Blackwell, Alison Brewin and Elisabeth Geller, Gillian Brewin, Gretchen Brewin, Jennifer Brewin, Cameron Britton, Christine Brubaker, Ines Buchli, Alex Bulmer, Barbara Bulmer, Paul Butler, Naomi Campbell, Marjorie Chan, Jennifer Chan, Celia Chassels, Leah Cherniak, Debbi Clark & Andrew Brewin, Eric Coates, Andrew Crerar, Steve Cumyn, Jane Czarny, Cheryl Daniels, Lisa Marie DiLiberto, Karen Earl, Brian Estany, Alexander Farquhar, Tracey Ferencz and Greg Spotiswood, Jane Field, Ameela Gallo, James Gallo, Melissa Gallo, Allie Gilks & Richard Chan, Tara Goldstein, Mary Gray, Natasha Greenblatt, Iain Graham, Janelle Hanna, Lisette Henrich, Joyce Henry, Pete Higginson, Lynda Hill, Anne Hines, Maggie Huculak, Grant Hurrle, Gigi Inara, Vanessa Jacobsen, Joan Jamieson, Jacqui Jensen-Roy, Anne Beach Johnston, Martin Julien, Beth Kates, Niki Kemeny, Annie Kidder, Peg Lahn, Shery Leeder, Julia Lefebvre, Dawn Leger, Jeanne LeSage, Janet Lewis, Mary Lewis, Rebecca Liddiard, Barbara Linds, Ilana Lucas, Elisabeth Lunder, Kate Lushington, Kelly Lyons, Coleen MacPherson, Lubna Marium, Sarah Mcvie, Arthur Milner, Paul Milner, Thea Mistry, Kathy Munn, Cathy Nosaty, Shannon Peet, Sean Pratt, Farah Rahman, Sucheta Rajagopal, Kaitlyn Riordan, Martha Ross & John Millard, Els & David Salisbury, Jenny Salisbury, Norm Seli, Chloe Shantz-Hilkes, Jessica Sikora, Alex Simpson, Ryan Singh, Tischa Singh, Joel Slonetsky, Janet Solberg, Sarah Stanley, Courtenay Stevens, Martha ter Kuile, Pat Thompson & John Brewin, Tamara Trojanowska, Rachel Tyndale, Peter Wall, Emma Ward, Sandra & Michael Wayne, Joanne Williams, Mark Wilson, Laura Wood, Janelle Yanishewski, Paul Yeung, Jeff Yung, Cheryl Zinyk