More Fine Girls
Produced by Theatre Columbus and Tarragon Theatre
More Fine Girls
Created by
Jennifer Brewin, Leah Cherniak, Ann-Marie Macdonald, Alisa Palmer & Martha Ross
- Jelly Fine Leah Cherniak
- Jayne Fine Ann-Marie Macdonald
- Jojo Fine Martha Ross
- Jelly FineSevern Thompson
- Director Alisa Palmer
- Set and Costume Designer Judith Bowden
- Lighting Designer Andrea Lundy
- Composer & Sound Designer John Gzowski
- Assistant Director Julia Lederer
- Assistant Set and Costume Designer Elizabeth Nutting
- Production Week Daniele Guevara
- Photographer Cylla von Tiedemann
- Stage ManagerLaura Baxter
- Apprentice Stage Manager Paul Beauchamp
- Props Assistant Morag Webster-Lesarge
- Props Assistants Vanessa Janiszewski
- Props Assistant Nadia Ismail
- Painters Stephanie Milic & Crystal Piché
- Carpentry Crew Brendan Gilhuly
- Carpentry Crew Matt Armour
- Carpentry Crew Les Stockley
- Carpentry Crew Kai Masasoka
- Lighting Crew Joey Morin
- Lighting Crew Verne Good
- Lighting Crew Nick Rose
- Lighting Crew John Thomson
- Lighting Crew Jason Golinsky
- Mainspace Technician Sarah “Pip” Bradford
- Head Scenic Artist Lindsay Anne Black
- Head of Wardrobe Michelle Bailey
- Head CarpenterIan Chappell
- Production Manager Michael Freeman
- Technical Director Paul Fujimoto-Pihl
- Head of Properties Lokki Ma
Jayne, Jojo and Jelly get together ten years after the party that drove them apart. This time, the sisters go into the basement. They convene for a family crisis, and share an overwhelming need to be together again. It is an intimate and comic look at sisters and the surprising truths of middle age.
Awards and Reviews
“Severn Thompson has taken over the roll of Jelly and brings to it a sense of Jelly’s quirky humour that is refreshing and poignant. ”
– Lynn Slotkin, The Slotkin Letter
“All three actresses portray sisters both relatable and neurotic, each in her own way. A fine fine show from three fine women. With the careers they have had, I would argue there is nothing “Girl”ish about them.”
– Winston Soon, Mooney on Theatre